MSc in Construction Project Management (part time) Waterford Institute of Technology
Price: AED 30,223

    Course details

    This programme is at NQF Level 9 and it has been designed for participants who want to develop their Construction Project Management knowledge and skills at postgraduate level without leaving their employment. This part-time programme incorporates 'blended learning', where technology and traditional modes of delivery are effectively merged.

    While it is open to NQF Level 8 degree holders from construction related disciplines (e.g. Civil Engineering, Quantity Surveying, Architecture, Architectural Technology, Construction Management), it is also open to those with either NQF Level 7 qualifications or Professional Body qualifications in addition to relevant work experience.

    Completing this programme and gaining the MSc qualification should enable the successful participants to perform at a higher level in the Irish and International Construction Industry and generally enhance their overall career prospects.

    Programme Aims

    This programme aims to:

    • Develop a deep understanding of and competence in the key project management processes in a construction environment;
    • Develop the participants’ research knowledge and capabilities, thus enabling their application to the management of projects, innovation and continuous improvement in the construction industry.


    Semester 1

    • Management of Projects 1
    • Economics & the Construction Sector
    • FinancialManagement
    • Construction Law
    • Professional Development & Effectiveness
    • Research Methodology

    Semester 2

    • Management of Projects 2
    • Strategic Management
    • Management of People
    • ICT for Construction
    • Sustainability and the Built Environment
    • Dissertation


    The normal minimum expected entry requirement for the MSc in Construction Project Management will be a cognate accredited NFQ Level 8 Honours 2.2. Engineering or Science Degree.

    Entry to the programmes may also be allowed via the Institute’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process on an individuals case-by-case basis. This robust RPL process demonstrates that the candidate’s prior learning (education and experiential) has achieved outcomes commensurate with accredited Level 8 programme outcomes. Each RPL applicant must submit of a portfolio of evidence that maps the prior learning against the required Level 8 outcomes. This portfolio is reviewed by the Programme Leader and Head of Department and is supplemented by an interview.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Waterford Institute of Technology

    We_They is a university-level institution in the South-East of Ireland with over 10,000 students and 1,000 staff.

    We_They offers tuition and research programmes in various areas from Higher Certificate to Degree to PhD.

    Range and scope

    We_They is the major provider of higher education in the South East region of Ireland and one of the largest IOT's in Ireland. The Institute's range and scope reflect the changing needs of the southeast as well as the country as a whole. The range of academic programmes is exceptionally extensive, ranging from Higher Certificate right through to post-doctoral research and covering the Humanities, Health and Nursing, Science and Informatics, Engineering and Architecture, Business and Education. 

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