Course details
In this era of information technology, the ascending importance of the internet and the world wide web in business, interactive multimedia will be the fulcrum for innovation in products, processes and service designs for revitalising business in this millennium.
Future managers will not only have to be knowledgeable in management but must also be innovative and creative besides having the multimedia skills to excel as managers. With this in mind, Multimedia University integrates IT and multimedia into every facet of its MBA programme.
This world-wide recognised postgraduate programme has attracted students from Middle East, China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Uganda, Nigeria, and many more.
This programme will help the participants to balance their broad- based management skills with specialist expertise along with emphasis on multimedia.
Updated on 18 February, 2016Course Location
About Multimedia University
Multimedia University (MMU), a tertiary education institution set up through Universiti Telekom Sdn Bhd (UTSB), a wholly owned subsidiary of TM, fulfils the noblest of corporate social responsibilities – taking up the challenge of educating the next generation the nation’s leaders and knowledge workers. As the first private university in Malaysia, MMU developed the pioneer model for the successful establishment of private universities in the nation, paving the way for the growth of the private tertiary education sector. As the university at the heart of the MSC, MMU also serves as a catalyst for the development of the high tech ICT industry of the nation, parallel to the Silicon Valley-Stanford model in the United States.