Master of Guidance & Counselling James Cook Australia Institute Of Higher Learning
Price: 33,705

Course details

Students are required to complete 12 subjects (36 credit points) based on availability and scheduling.
8 Core Subjects (24 credit points)
Foundations of Counselling Theory
Foundations of Counselling Practice
Advanced Counselling
Atypical Development
Careers and Leisure Guidance & Counselling
Reflective Practice in Guidance & Counselling
Practicum in Guidance and Counselling (Students may also choose to study one subject from the Business
or IT disciplines in place of a Master of Education subject.)

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About James Cook Australia Institute Of Higher Learning

The university established JCU Singapore in 2003 as part of its expressed intent of “Creating a brighter future for life in the tropics world-wide through graduates and discoveries that make a difference”. The university is ranked in the top 4%* of universities in the world and is the leading tropical research university in Australia. See all James Cook Australia Institute Of Higher Learning courses
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