Intermediate Conversational Japanese Addison Institute
Price: AED 1,175

    Course details

    Japan is a popular Tourist Destination and together with its rich history, cultural, natural attractions, delectable food has seen an increase in the number of tourists in recent years. Learning Conversation Japanese will certainly enhance your holiday in Japan.

    Students are introduced to basic grammar and vocabulary exercises and immense in simple conversational dialogue and with the help of English translation. Illustrations of Japanese are cultural and heritage setting are used for inclass practice to make lesson interesting and relevant.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

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    Addison Institute was established to provide training and education with the emphasis of cutting edge skills both in the workplace and for the public. The Institute prides itself on an environment where each student are enriched and empowered in a special way. The institute believes that each student will benefit and appreciate the range of training programmes that Addison Institute has to offer. See all Addison Institute courses
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