Intec Professional Certificate: Business Management (human Resource Management) Intec College
Price: AED 2,189

    Course details

    INTEC offers Certificate and Professional Certificate studies in the following key areas:

    • Human R esources Management
    • Marketing Management
    • IT M anagement INTEC College not only aims to promote the general business management world, but also afford learners the opportunity to build from the Certificate level to attain specialisation in a particular key area.

    Entrance Requirement

    Grade 12 (Std.10 or equivalent) for the INTEC Certificate level, and the INTEC Certificate for the INTEC Professional Certificate level.


    All assignments are optional, but you have to write a formal exam per subject. Please note that exams are written in June and October of each year. You must complete an examination entry form and submit it, together with your prescribed examination fee before the closing date for the next examination. Please note that your exam fees are not included in your tuition fees.

    Updated on 11 July, 2016

    About Intec College

    INTEC College offers the widest range of distance learning courses covering many disciplines from business to creative studies.

    INTEC College is one of the South African market leaders in Further Education and Training via distance learning. 

    INTEC is a modern South African college with a solid track record spanning more than 100 years. With its proud history, INTEC still remains relevant and continues to meet the cultural and academic needs of today’s student. 

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