How To Win Friends&Influence People Dale Carnegie Training
Price: AED 3,500

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    Look around you: many successful business people, world leaders, professional athletes and entertainers use the principles they learned in How To Win Friends and Influence People to power their careers.
    Now you can acquire the same skills and attitudes to achieve amazing results and prepare yourself to join the ranks of the world's most successful people.
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    About Dale Carnegie Training

    Make an Impact // Unlock Your Full Potential
    For over a century, Dale Carnegie has been improving individual and business performance around the world. While our training techniques continue to evolve, our core principles remain true to a single vision: real transformation begins within.

    Engage success
    Professional Development Training Topics

    Dale Carnegie’s training methods are proven to sharpen professional skills and transform people into successful, fulfilled individuals.

    1. People Skills Training: Build authentic relationships
    2. Presentation Training: Inspire with conviction
    3. Leadership Training: Lead with integrity & engage employees
    4. Sales Training: Connect with customers to grow revenue
    5. Customer Service Training: Amaze customers and build loyalty
    6. Organizational Development Training:Propel teams and drive action

    In-Person Training
    Professional face-to-face training by certified Dale Carnegie instructors

    Empower Your Workforce & Strengthen Your Abilities
    When organizations like yours want employees who are engaged with their missions, values and visions, aligned with their strategic plans, and who have the skills needed to drive performance, they turn to Dale Carnegie Training for quality corporate training programs.
    We are the world leaders in in-person training, whether you need a face to face session, or are comfortable in a larger seminar setting.
    We customize solutions for you that draw on our proprietary content, and engage you for the best results possible, through certified Dale Carnegie trainers.

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