Emergency Management, civilian defense and firefighting training British Cenrtification Inc
Price: TBA

    Course details


    Confirmation of the requirements of Fire Safety Standards for the company

    Discussion of fire risk assessment and emergency procedures and fire precautions which shall be agreed prior to commencement of works, ensure that operatives on site are familiar with the risk assessment and emergency procedures, Ensure that all site staff are adequately briefed and instructed on fire safety arrangements for the site and may be required to present proof.

    The use of petrol driven plant (excluding staff cars) or equipment shall be prohibited at all locations on the site unless written permission is granted by Insert Your Company Name, ensure that All combustible materials shall be stored in a position and in a manner approved by The Safety Officer


    • Risk assessment and the Fire and Rescue Service
    • Assessments to deal with firefighting activities in a number of key areas, for example, in buildings, use of Ventilation, (including Positive Pressure Ventilation), In rural areas etc
    • Evaluate the risks of fire and decide on precautions
    • Record the findings and implement them
    • Review the assessment of fire risk and update if necessary.
    • How to extinguish fire and make emergency plan
    • Methods of safety and firefighting and how to use extinguisher
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About British Cenrtification Inc

    BCI Egypt is considered to be one of the leading companies in the fields of Certification, Training, food safety, and hospitality,

    BCI-Egypt also may be considered to be a promising company in a lot of fields like inspection, verification, testing, risk management, etc.

    BCI is registered and approved from the Accreditation Body (JAS-ANZ) which is the biggest Accreditation body all over the world.

    BCI Egypt is registered in Egyptian IMC (Industrial Modernization Centre)   under the code (B-50231) and registered also in the EOS (Egyptian Organization for Standardization) and the NQI (the National Quality Institute)

    BCI Egypt is registered also in the Egyptian ITC (Industrial Training Center) under the code (B-50231)

    In addition to that, BCI Egypt is approved from the National Quality Institute as a training provider.

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