CIMA Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting Johannesburg Polytechnic
Price: AED 8,539

    Course details

    CIMA Managerial level is the second level of the professional qualification and consists of four exams below. By passing the level, you will gain the CIMA Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting.

    Course Overview

    • Award: CIMA Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting
    • SAQA NQF level: 6 (24406)
    • Entrance requirements: CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting or received exemptions from the Certificate Level
    • Recommended length of study: 12-18 months (per level, we recommend two subjects per semester)
    • Exams: May and November
    • Fees per subject Classes: R4,900
    • Exam fee: ©70, Integrated Case Study:©70


    • P2 Performance Management
    • E2 Enterprise Management
    • F2 Financial Management
    • Management level integrated case study
    Updated on 14 March, 2016

    About Johannesburg Polytechnic

    Johannesburg Polytechnic started as a computer college way back in 2002 in Braamfontein, it was then known as Strathrand Graduate Institute, in 2007 it started a collaboration with Johannesburg Polytech Institute when it moved to New Doornfontein, offering computer ctheirses and internet access to high school and college students.

    • In 2009, Johannesburg Polytechnic moved to Braamfontein once again when it started offering ACCA and CAT ctheirses.
    • In 2011 the college added CIMA Certificate and Diploma Ctheirses to its portfolio and became a Computer Based Examinations Centre for ACCA
    • In 2012, Johannesburg Polytechnic was officially registered as a limited company and accredited by MICT Seta to offer National Certificates and FET Certificates in Information Technology.
    • In 2013, the college became a CIMA Private Computer Based Examinations Centre and started offering examinations for CIMA at the CBA Centre.
    • Following tremendous growth in the number of students and the need to expand, the college acquired new premises on leasing basis at the ultra modern Rennie House in 2014

    Currently Johannesburg Polytechnic is the trading name of Johannesburg Polytechnic Pty Limited a company incorporated under the companies Act in the Republic of South Africa, they offer a broad range of Professional Diplomas, certificates, skills programmes and basic NATED vocational levels that are comparable to those that are offered in South African public FET colleges. These programmes cover the education and training needs of the learners ranging from skills programmes, short ctheirses through to full qualifications on the NQF. In all programmes areas, close links with industry, business and the wider community have been established.

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