Chartered HR Manager CHRM Arab Institute for Accountants & Legal

Course details

This course is about both the design and execution of human resource management strategies. This course has two central themes: (1) How to think systematically and strategically about aspects of managing the organization's human assets, and (2) What really needs to be done to implement these policies and to achieve competitive advantage. It adopts the perspective of a general manager and addresses human resource topics (including reward systems, performance management, high-+ Read More

About Arab Institute for Accountants & Legal

Located in the heart of Dubai United Arab Emirates, Deira. Arab Institute for Accountants & Legal or more popular with the name "AIAL" is recognized as one of Middle East leading teaching institutions.

AIAL President founded the Institute "to provide a trustworthy professional training."

AIAL had been founded at the hands of its promoter whose experience exceeds three decades 30 years, it remains dedicated to finding solutions to the great challenges of the day and to preparing its participants for a better career in today's world.

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