Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Ernst & Young Training Center

Course details

CMA is a leading management accounting qualification and is rapidly growing in recognition throughout the Middle East Region. Many organizations today wish to employ personnel with management accounting skills to meet the challenges of volatile business environments. The CMA qualification is a career-enhancing credential valued and sought by employers, since it is aligned with the critical knowledge and skills required for accountants and financial professionals.

The CMA course consists of two parts:

  • Part I which includes financial planning, performance and control, and 
  • Part II which includes financial decision making 

To be eligible for this course, the interested CMA candidates must hold a bachelors degree in any discipline from an accredited college or university. Candidates must also meet the following criterions to become a CMA member:

  • Be a member of the institute of Management Accountants (IMA) 
  • Pass both parts of the CMA examination (within 3 years from the date of registration) 
  • Satisfy the CMA entry and experience requirements  
  • Comply with IMA standards of ethical conduct.
Updated on 01 May, 2016

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At EY, we are committed to building a better working world — with increased trust and confidence in business, sustainable growth, development of talent in all its forms, and greater collaboration.

We want to build a better working world through our own actions and by engaging with like-minded organizations and inpiduals. This is our purpose — and why we exist as an organization.

Running through our organization is a strong sense of obligation to serve a number of different stakeholders who count on us to deliver quality and excellence in everything we do.

We want to use our global reach and scale to convene the conversation about the challenges facing economies and the capital markets.

When business works better, the world works better.

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