Udemy CCNA Security - 7 Days till your Cisco 210-260 exam - Labs Udemy
Price: AED 129

    Course details

    It is not enough to go through videos to pass the CCNA Security exam (210-260 IINS). Do you think you're ready for this challenge? Maybe you need to focus on labs and go through all the main topics in a few days? You've come to the right place. This course is perfect if you are familiar with CCNA Security topics and you are looking for a supplement to book and video courses. Here you'll find 7 big labs for 7 days plus exam tips. Includes a lot of practice questions, quizzes, and a final exam (25 questions!). What's more: when things go wrong - I keep recording. Learn how to troubleshoot network security issues. This is great for Network Engineers looking for real world scenarios and tips as well.

    There are two unique features of this course:

    • Labs cover multiple areas at the same time (e.g. Zone Based Firewall and Router Hardening, ASA Firewalls and Radius)
    • All commands used in the labs, tasks, and network topologies are attached to the  course as an ebook you can download!

    Pass the Cisco CCNA Security exam (210-260 IINS) first time and master all skills in 7 days.

    Please note the course is designed for students who have already covered most of the CCNA Security exam topics and need a quick review or are looking for a supplement to practice labs and simulations.

    Join now!

    Updated on 04 April, 2018
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