تفاصيل الدورة

Customer Service Representatives often have to deal with pressure especially in today's fast paced work environment. CSRs face all sorts of challenges in the workplace and need to have the right tools to deal with them.

This workshopwill focus on the importance of performing well under pressure and being unaffected by it in a professional capacity. Participants will learn how to deliver their 100% when under pressure instead of feeling demotivated or detaching themselves from the situation.

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
  1. Understand how to deal with pressure
  2. Organize and prioritize work effectively
  3. Learn how to communicate with assertiveness
  4. Know the strategies to make better decisions
تحديث بتاريخ 18 April, 2018

وظائف مناسبة لهذه الدورة

Customer Service Manager , Customer Business Manager , CSR for Banking Account , Customer Service Representative (CSR) , Sales Manager , Call Center Team Leader , Team Leader - IT , Project Manager , VP Marketing & Sales , Key Account Manager
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