تفاصيل الدورة

Level 2

  • Company Data Files
  • Chart of Accounts
  • Cash Books
  • General Ledger
  • Sales Ledger
  • Purchases Ledger
  • Inventory
  • Report and File Management

Level 3

  • Company Accounts
  • Tracking Profitability of Departments and Jobs
  • Multi-currency transactions
  • Debtor Management
  • Advanced Inventory Management
  • Year-End Procedures and Maintenance
  • Report and Analysis

Academic Qualifications

Secondary Education with Basic accounting knowledge

Proficiency Level

English at Secondary level

Course Outcomes


تحديث بتاريخ 08 November, 2015

نبذة عن معهد JE Educational College

JE Educational College, established in the year 1986, is a private educational institution based in Singapore. It is registered with the Singapore Ministry Of Education and is an approved overseas training center for the AAT and IAM of the UK. It has attained gold medals internationally in business statistics and national gold medals in business administration through the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) Examinations Board. It offers a range of programs from preparatory courses through to diplomas in information technology. عرض الجميع دورات JE Educational College
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