السعر: 3,398 درهم

تفاصيل الدورة

  • An overview of what 'customer service excellence' means to you and your customers. 
  • Understand how Emotional Intelligence (EQ) can give you a customer service edge.
  • Identify personal strengths and blind spots and how they impact your customers.
  • Explore reasons for spending more on valuable customers (no more one-size-fits-all).
  • Learn how to motivate and maintain morale in front-line customer service teams.
  • Identify EQ best practices for managing different situations, including complaints.
  • Learn how to measure how well customer service objectives are being achieved.
  • Confirm how the EQ approach can lead to long and profitable customer relationships.
تحديث بتاريخ 04 July, 2019

وظائف مناسبة لهذه الدورة

For Professionals who want to excel in Customer Service.
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