Development Financial Performance and Financial Plans Global Development for Training
السعر: 9,183 درهم

    تفاصيل الدورة

    The Program is designed to help the participants:
    • Understand the principles of financial planning and forecasting and the practical problems and how to overcome them.
    • Understand how economic outcomes of business decisions are planned for and reflected in your organization’s financial reports.
    • Communicate more effectively with the financial executives in your organization.
    • Improve your financial vocabulary so that you are better able to understand and interpret financial information.
    • Increase your comprehension of current analytical financial planning and forecasting practices and techniques.
    • Learn to use financial forecasting information in managerial decision-making.
    • Discuss current financial problems.
    The fundamentals of Financial Planning and Forecasting
    • What is a financial plan?
    • Why is planning an important concept in managing a business?
    • What is the difference between planning and forecasting?
    • Who is responsible for the financial planning function in the business?
    • Planning for costs and revenues
    • Why do business costs need controlling?
    • Uncontrollable costs – do they exist?
    • Who has the responsibility for cost management in the business?
    • Overview of the financial statements and how they interrelate
    • The Balance Sheet – the financial “snapshot” of the business
    • The Profit and Loss Statement. How can we project it out for 5 years?
    • What are the more important items you should look for?
    • What the financial statements will not disclose – how can we get behind the figures?
    Exercise: An example of a financial plan
    Forecasting and controlling revenues: sales and service income
    • How are sales revenues to be estimated – top down or bottom up?
    • Are there different approaches between manufacturing and service businesses?
    • Does market and field research have apart to play in this process?
    • Working Capital and its importance
    • What is working capital and what does it mean for business?
    • How much working capital does a business need in the future?
    • The importance of cash flow forecasting
    Exercise: Cash flow
    Forecasting materials usage in manufacturing and non-manufacturing businesses
    • Classifying materials used in manufacturing
    • Valuing materials and controlling stocks of materials
    • Managing Non-manufacturing material costs – indirect costs
    • Budgeting for materials and purchases – direct costs
    Forecasting and budgeting direct and indirect labour costs
    • Planning labour costs both direct and indirect
    • Recording direct and indirect labour costs
    • Budgeting for direct and indirect labour costs
    Forecasting and Budgeting direct & indirect expenses
    • Forecasting direct & indirect expenses
    • Types of expenses
    • Budgeting for direct and indirect expenses
    Discussion & Individual exercises
    Flexible budgets: concepts, development and application
    • What is flexible budgeting?
    • Use of sensitivity analysis
    • Importance of flexible budgeting in practice
    Group & individual exercises
    Budgeting and forecasting capital expenditures
    • Difference between capital and revenue expenditure
    • Organization of capital expenditure budget approval systems
    • Need for capital project monitoring
    Discussion & review
    Budgeting and controlling cash flows
    • Turning budgeted sales revenues, costs and capital expenditure plans into a cash budget forecast
    Completion procedures and applications of the overall profit plan or master budget
    • The financial planning and forecasting process as a control system within the business
    • The behavioral aspects of accounting control systems
    • Responsibility budgeting, accounting & control ideas
    • Zero based budgeting concept (ZBB)
    • Activity based management (ABM) and Activity based costing (ABC) defined
    تحديث بتاريخ 13 May, 2019

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    يحتل التدريب درجة كبيرة من الأهمية لمديري المؤسسات المختلفة، حيث يعتبر التدريب وسيلة فعالة في رفع كفاءة الموظف في جميع مراحل عمله وتنمية قدراته ومهاراته وتزويده بمعلومات جديدة، وعنصراً مؤثراً في عملية ترقية الموظف وتوليه سلطات ومسئوليات أكبر..

    ولقد شهدت السنوات العشـرون الأخيرة تحولاً كبيراً في علم التدريب وأصبحت المعرفة المبينة على العلم هي السبيل الوحيد للتطور والتنمية .

    إن الحاجه للمعرفة المبنية على المعلومات الحديثة والدقيقة  أصبح هو الآن مقياس الثروة الجديدة ، وكل هذا يتطلب نوع متميز من التعليم و التدريب المتواصل مدى الحياة للحصول على المعرفة وتحديثها بصفة مستمرة ومن هذا المنطلق كانت هاماً جداً إنشاء مركز التطوير العالمي للتدريب .

    التأسيس :

    تأسس التطوير العالمي للتدريب بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة عام 2010رخصه رقم 91288إمارةدبي ، وذلك لتقديم الخدمات التدريبية والإستشارية وتطوير الموظفين بأحدث طرق التدريب في العالم وبما يتلائم مع السوق العالمي حيث  تلبي كافة المتطلبات الإستراتيجية للأسواق العالمية في بيئة مبنية على المعرفة الحديثة ومن خلال أفضل  مدربي التنمية البشرية في الوطن العربي والعالم  ، لذا وضعت أهدافه للوصول لأعلى مستوى من الجودة والإبداع والتنمية المتميّزه لدى العملاء والمشاركين .

    الرؤية :

    أن يكون التطوير العالمي للتدريب من أفضل المراكز العالمية التي تقوم بتأهيل وتدريب  قيادات وموظفي الوطن العربي بأحدث أساليب التدريب بالعالم .

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