Massage and Reflexology Course fees in Vietnam - March 2025 update

The table below provides more information on the fees for Massage and Reflexology courses in Vietnam.
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CourseLocationDuration Fees

Shiatsu Massage Udemy

N/A TBA VND 1,021,800

Aromatherapy Basics Udemy

N/A TBA VND 1,021,800

Exercise Away Your Shoulder Pain Udemy

N/A TBA VND 1,277,250

Aromatherapy - Top Ten Formulas Udemy

N/A TBA VND 1,532,700

Reflexology for self-help Udemy

N/A TBA VND 1,787,895

Body massage - Swedish Style Udemy

N/A TBA VND 1,915,875

Introduction to Aromatherapy for self-help. Udemy

N/A TBA VND 1,915,875

Ashiatsu or Shiatsu Barefoot Sports Massage Therapy Udemy

N/A TBA VND 2,171,070

Essential Oils Aromatherapy Uses & Benefits: Living Healthy Udemy

N/A TBA VND 2,171,070

Fully Accredited Reflexology Course - Heal Via Your Feet! Udemy

N/A TBA VND 2,426,520

Aromatherapy Formulation Secrets, Revealed Udemy

N/A TBA VND 2,426,775

Aromatherapy Udemy

N/A TBA VND 2,426,775

Aromatherapy: Foundational Concepts Udemy

N/A TBA VND 2,682,225

Learn Advanced Reflexology and TCM for Health Practitioners Udemy

N/A TBA VND 3,193,125

Easily Learn How to Use Hand Reflexology to Feel Better Now. Udemy

N/A TBA VND 3,703,770
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How much does the Massage and Reflexology course cost in Vietnam?
The cost of Massage and Reflexology courses ranges between VND 2682225 to VND 7356961