FICO courses in Sharjah, UAE
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15 courses from 15 providers in Sharjah

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Popular Questions

Can someone with no background in accounting and finance take up the SAP FICO course?
(Question asked by Saran on October 29, 2017)

Hi Saran, A person having no accounting background can take a small course of Basic Accounting followed by SAP FI CO, wherein he/she will get the fundamentals of accountancy along with SAP knowledge. Best of Luck, Bright Future Training Institute Team

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ما هي فرص العمل والمجالات التي ستتاح لي عند دراسة المحاسبة المالية والتحكم (SAP FICO)?
(Question asked by زهره on January 29, 2019)

Dear Zahra, First and foremost , many companies implemented  SAP. In order to secure job in a company who implemented SAP. Organizations prefer executive who already worked in SAP or trained in SAP other opportunities are Freelance consultant who works in Implementation project either remotely or on site. Further SAP trained professional can become SAP Trainer for end user and  Trainer for SAP on line exam. These are few. But all depends who the person is.

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