• Year of establishment: 2021
  • No. of full-time trainers: 50
  • Registered authority: Corporate Affairs Commission
  • Registered association memberships: Nigerian Institute of Training and Development (NITAD), Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM), Nigeria Employers' Consultative Association (NECA)
  • Training format provided: On-site/In-house/Company-specific

Can travel to 1 locations


Why choose Worknigeria

Worknigeria is an HR consulting company providing training and other HR services to corporations and individuals across diverse industries and sectors. Worknigeria training programs are designed to be cost-effective and time-efficient. With a commitment to putting one million Nigerians back to work each year, our courses emphasize the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes; all with the intent of improving your individual staff competence, team performance, overall productivity, and business profitability.

We have courses opened to the general public on our annual calendar, and we also provide tailored programs to clients in-house and on demand.
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