ALZONE offers Global Certification and Examination Courses such as:

I. ICD-10-AM / ACHI / ACS: (Medical Coding Career Program)

1) ICD-10-AM Tabular List
2) ICD-10-AM Alphabetic Index
3) ACHI Tabular List
4) ACHI Alphabetic Index
5) Australian Coding Standards

II. Certified Professional Coders – Exam Preparation Course : (Medical Coding Career Program)

The Certified Professional Coder (CPC) is the gold standard for medical coding in a physician office setting. The CPC certification exam tests the competencies required to perform the job of a professional coder who specializes in coding for services performed by physicians and non-physician providers (eg, nurse practitioners and physician assistants). Individuals who earn the CPC credential have proven expertise in physician/non-physician provider documentation review, abstract professional provider encounters, coding proficiency with CPT®, HCPCS Level II, ICD-10-CM, and compliance and regulatory requirements for physician services.

III. English Language Proficiency Certification Programs:

To improve your English Language Proficiency and for those who are pursuing English as their additional language to work, study or live abroad.

Courses offered are :

1) SELT   - SELT (Secure English Language Tests)
2) OET    - The Occupational English Test (also known as OET®)
3) IELTS  -  International English Language Testing System

IV.Other Classification Programs are:

1) Commerce Exam Preparation Courses
2) Human Resources Management – Exam Preparation Course
3) Executive Secretarialship – Exam Preparation Course
4) Project Management Professional (PMP)  – Exam Preparation Course
7) CIA – Certified Internal Auditors – Exam Preparation Course

and more Professional Global Examination Courses are offered. 

These Professional Exam preparation course helps the professionals acquire high distinctions with easy learning methods and in-depth preparations for examinations.

Your success is our success..!!

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4 courses available