Course details
Introduction to Blockchain?
- Reality about Blockchain and How Blockchain works?
- Blockchain Architecture and Platforms ex. BigChainDB, Corda, Ethereum etc.
- DTL- Distributed ledger
- Consensus Mechanisms ex. POW, POS, DBTF (delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance) etc.
- Real demo of Blockchain with simple example
- Distributed VS Decentralized network
- Private and Public Blockchain
- Consortium Blockchain
- Permissioned and Permission less Blockchain
- Public and Private Key creation
- Storing Private and Public
… + Ler Mais
Course details
Introduction to Blockchain?
- Reality about Blockchain and How Blockchain works?
- Blockchain Architecture and Platforms ex. BigChainDB, Corda, Ethereum etc.
- DTL- Distributed ledger
- Consensus Mechanisms ex. POW, POS, DBTF (delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance) etc.
- Real demo of Blockchain with simple example
- Distributed VS Decentralized network
- Private and Public Blockchain
- Consortium Blockchain
- Permissioned and Permission less Blockchain
- Public and Private Key creation
- Storing Private and Public key
- Mining
- Genesis Block in Blockchain
- Hard fork
- Consensus Mechanism
- 51% Attack theory
Design of Blockchain Project: Architecture and Framework- Blockchain Ripple Framework
- How to create Blockchain for real projects ex. KYC, Travel Insurance etc.
- Blockchain API
- Blockchain waves platform
- Introduction to Monero
- Introduction to next generation platform- IOTA
- Introduction to IOTA and Tangle Architecture
- Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence
- Blockchain and Internet of Thing
How to Install Blockchain Tools in Our IT Landscapes: - Set up your Private Blockchain
- Blockchain use cases for Banking, Insurance etc.
- Extra: How to design Blockchain Architecture, Blockchain use cases, Requirements Analysis etc.
More Detailed Information About the Blockchain: - Design the admins and user Interfaces of Blockchain. Examples Demonstration with HTML5, CSS, Solidity
- Blockchain Architecture and Platforms ex. BigChainDB, Corda, Ethereum etc.
What is Etherum? Basics of Etherum and Fundamentals of Solidity?- Basics of Ethereum
- Introduction to Web 3 and Truffle
- Introduction to smart contract
- Components of smart contract
- Ethereum tools ex. Mist, Dapps and accounts
- Ethereum Test Rpc
- Introduction to solidity programming
- Structure of Solidity contract
Real World Block Chain Projects: Industrial Projects Example- Introduction to Blockchain platforms ex. Multi chain
- Blockchain as a service (BAAS) on Microsoft Azure
- Blockchain on AWS (Amazon web services)
- Blockchain on IBM Bluemix
Ultima actualização em 02 June, 2020 - Ler Menos