Transpersonal Psychology Diploma Course
Price: AED 227
AED 713
  • Duração: Upto 150 Hours

Course details

Setting the foundations for the rest of the course, you will first learn what transpersonal psychology really is and how it operates, as you are guided through its five key themes: states of consciousness, highest/ultimate potential, beyond the ego/personal self, transcendence, spirituality. You will also discover the discipline's five guiding principles, as outlined by the International Transpersonal Association: irreducibility of consciousness, integrity in the spiritual path, challenge of transformation, global synergy, forward through exploration.

Your understanding of transpersonal psychology is strengthened, as you are guided through its history. You will explore contributions from important figures such as William James, Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, Grof, Sutich, Ken Wilber and Michael Washburn, and see how the discipline developed throughout the 1970s, 80s and 90s.

With the foundations of knowledge set in place, You will move on to discover in-depth theories on the stages of development and transformation of the human psyche, as you are guided through the work of Robert Kegan, Susanne Cook-Greuter, and Bill Torbert.

As they include disciplines that use both psychology and spirituality to explain reality and consciousness, psychospiritual traditions and theories are explored in detail. You will learn about the importance of psychospiritual traditions in transpersonal psychology, what esoteric schools are, and how modern science is proving the link between psyche and spirit. You will also look at psychospiritual theories, focusing on the work of Wilber-Combs Matrix and two of Carl Jung's ideas: active imagination and shadow work.

Studying this course, You will also learn about other disciplines that are related but separate from transpersonal psychology. Broadening your awareness of similar disciplines, You will gain a brief overview of humanistic, holistic, and positive psychologies.

In addition to the learning the theories, You will also look at how transpersonal psychology is applied in therapy. The course takes you through the role of a transpersonal therapist, the techniques and approaches used, personal qualities needed, qualifications required and the professional organisations that you can become a member of. Giving you a clearer idea of how the discipline is used in therapy, the course concludes with 3 case studies.


  • Module 1 - Introduction to Transpersonal Psychology
  • Module 2 - History of Transpersonal Psychology
  • Module 3 - History of Transpersonal Psychology Part 2
  • Module 4 - The Guiding Principles of Transpersonal Psychology
  • Module 5 - Stages of Development and Transformation
  • Module 6 - Psychospiritual Traditions
  • Module 7 - Psychospiritual Theories
  • Module 8 - Related Viewpoints
  • Module 9 - Transpersonal Psychology in Practice
  • Module 10 - Case Studies
Ultima actualização em  06 April, 2021

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