Microsoft Certified Course fees in Nepal - December 2024 update

The table below provides more information on the fees for Microsoft Certified courses in Nepal.There are 1 courses available, the cheapest price is NPR 13689.
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CourseLocationDuration Fees

Introduction to Excel for Data Visualization Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,737

Excel 2016 - Top Beginners Guide - Start Now Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,737

Microsoft Excel Training for Absolute Beginners Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,737

Maitrisez Keynote et l'Art de la présentation PowerPoint Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,737

Excel vir sakelui en professionele dienste - Afrikaans Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,737

Master Excel Functions Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,737

Microsoft Excel 2016 Training for Beginners Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,737

Mastering Word 2016 - Basics Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,738

Microsoft Excel 2016 Beginner Level Course Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,738

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,738

Office 365 - Neue Funktionen verstehen und effektiv nutzen! Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,738

Microsoft Excel : Get All You Need To Know And Do! Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,738

Office 365 Delve Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,738

Pivot Tables for Beginners - Lunch and Learn Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,738

Mastering PowerPoint 2013 Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,738
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How much does the Microsoft Certified course cost in Nepal?
The cost of Microsoft Certified courses ranges between NPR 13689 to NPR 355790