About Guardian Academy

Guardian Academy is headquartered in the United Kingdom. Since 2020, Guardian Academy brings together diversified areas of knowledge and has a privileged position for facilitating the contemporary evolution of distance learning. Our quality of e-learning and e-teaching is attracting an ever-increasing amount of learners from around the globe.  We provide Instructor-led online self-paced audiovisual courses.

We are always promised to provide an interactive, effective and affordable distance learning facility through our e-Learning platform. Our online courses are designed to assist you to step up your career, build a better skill set, and, most importantly, gain the necessary knowledge to excel in that specific subject matter. We are a team of leading industry experts, academicians, researchers and freelance educators. Our goal is to help the sophophiles, epistemofiles and businesses to empower themselves through optimum knowledge and skill.

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60 courses available

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