Zookeeping - Introduction Boxhill Insitute
Price: AED 2,097
  • Duration: TBA

Course details

A general overview of the skills and knowledge required for working in the zookeeping industry. Learn about zoo operations, basic species management, animal behaviour and environmental enrichment. This information will be consolidated with a visit to the zoo.

Course Content

Classroom based and includes a visit to the zoo at the end of the course. This course will also cover some of the underpinning knowledge required for the units of competency from the animal care and management-training package.


  • An attempt to order many diverse things into groups, with items within each group sharing common features.


  • Theory of animal behavior: (i) Psychology, (ii)Ethnology Ecology
  • Location and distribution of species.

Upsetting the Balance

  • Effects of introduced species.

Captive Management

  • An emotional issue - whether or not to keep native wildlife as pets, what to do with injured animals.

Endangered Species and Research Projects

  • A species whose numbers have been reduced to a critical level such that it is in danger of extinction.
Updated on 08 November, 2015

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we_they is a leading Victorian vocational and higher education provider known for our collaborative and creative approach to education in Australia and overseas. we_they offers a wide variety of courses to both local and international students, from apprenticeships to degrees, short courses to diplomas, and in a range of delivery modes including full time, part time and off campus.

Our industry partnerships give students access to internationally recognised training and practical experience with current technology and processes. We connect our people with best practice and new environments through developing industry partnerships and national and international activity.

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