- Duration: Flexible
Course details
Learn Hardsurface modelling techniques suitable for Beginners to advanced users
Welcome to this fully featured course in ZBrush with a focus on Hard Surface modelling using the new ZRemodeller tool within Zbrush!
During this course you will learn a pletherer of techniques, these will all drive towards creating Hard Surface objects we will create a robot from scratch (Although it could be anything) and along the way learn loads of cool things!
Some of the things you will learn in ZBrush:
- A full knowledge of the ZRemodeller tool, we use this exclusively to build the robot, I have tried to do the whole thing with this tool, so see how great it is and I am sure you will see the full potential.
- Mesh extractions and cleanup using ZRemesher.
- Quick look at transpose for moving and posing our creations.
- We will look at the ZProject tool.
- Learn to apply materials and colour to our sculpt.
- Set up the lightbox for your own custom alphas and materials.
- Set up and understand Doc size, Custom views via Zapp link and the render settings.
In Photoshop we will learn:
- Learn to composite the exported images
- Learn about masking and layer masking
- Working in a non distructive manner
- We will look at filters and adjustment layers
- Applying textures and detailing using the layer options
- Applying text and warping to fit
- Plus much more...
Finally I hope you enjoy the course please let me know if you need any help on your journey through ZBrush and Photoshop...
Happy modelling
All the best
David Newton
- AED 89Duration: Upto 3 Hours
- 3D Art Basics Concepts Complete Beginners Course LineAED 89Duration: Upto 7 Hours