Udemy Your Artist Bio & Sell Your Art in Galleries & Museum Shops Udemy
Price: AED 165

    Course details

    SECTION 1. Write a Great Artist Bio

    Artists need tools.  And one of the most important tool is an ARTIST BIO.  An artist bio, or biography, is important information about the ARTIST.

    Art gallery curators and art directors expect an artist to have a bio. 

    Artists need a bio for:

    • Call for submissions to art galleries + events
    • Writing a proposal to art directors, curators, music producers
    • Interviews for media, blogs, television, podcasts, and magazines
    • Public Relations + marketing
    • Catalogs
    • Your portfolio
    • Art, Music, Theatre, Artist Residency grant proposals
    • Websites

    This class is for:

    New artists who have never written or perhaps seen an artist bio.

    Emerging artists who have some experience + would like help writing an impressive bio.

    Established artists wanting to refresh their bio.

    The definition of artist in the framework of this class includes fine art, visual art, painters, illustrators, photographers, coloring book artists, writers, animators, musicians, potters, knit + crochet art, wearable art, actors, and so many more genres.

    Building your profile correctly will result in a polished professional appeal that will propel your creative business in the right direction.

    Many artists dread having to write their creative story.  They fear they don't have enough experience to impress curators and art directors.  Sometimes they have too much experience and get bogged down with making decisions on what to include in their story.   

    I love the challenge of tackling words, experience, and story to create fascinating collateral supporting my artwork + my  brand.     

    An artist bio is an essential marketing tool that moves your creative business forward.  Your bio has the power to create positive buzz that will result in more sales that keep you in the freelance art career that you love.      

    Your Class Project is to write your artist bio and share it in the Class Project section below.

    This Class Project is a great way for art directors + curators find you.  They are constantly looking for new artists and often visit classes to find new talent.  Include photographs of your artwork to gain the attention you need to move your creative business forward.

    With your permission I will share your artist bio on my social media platforms giving you positive exposure to the art world and thousands of followers.

    Please join me in class and together we will write an effective and fascinating bio that will impress art gallery curators and art director.

    Class Content

    Lesson 1: Technical criteria

    Lesson 2: What are directors + gallery curators expect to read in your artist bio

    Lesson 3: Artist education

    Lesson 4: Artist exhibits + boutiques

    Lesson 5: Extraordinary acheivements

    Lesson 6: Example of an artist bio

    SECTION 2. Sell Your Art in Art Gallery + Museum Boutique Shops

    Have you ever walking through an art gallery boutique or museum gift shop and thought,

    "One day I'd like to see my art in this shop."

    This class is for artists + crafters + makers wanting to build their creative career by selling their art in art galleries + museum shops.  


    Lesson  1:  Approach art galleries + museum shop curators

    Lesson 2:  Examples of submission emails to the curators

    Lesson 3:  Reciprocal art gallery memberships + over 700 art galleries accepting new artists

    Lesson 4:  Secret to selling art in the Smithsonian, Royal Ontario Museum + other prestigious boutique shops.  

    Lesson 5:  Case Study One. Selling a coloring book

    Lesson 6:  Case Study Two. Selling arts + crafts + fine art in gallery shops

    Final Thoughts

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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