WSQ Provide Hand & Foot Reflexology Spatec Academy
Price: SGD 950

    Course details

    Proprietor of course, person conferring award and country established


    Description of course and structure (number of modules, sequence, etc) 

    The knowledge of Basic Anatomy & Physiology theory Able to perform the practical skills of performing Basic Chinese Massage techniques in accordance to WSQ assessment criteria. 

    Content of modules / Learning outcomes

    Covers  of theory and practical lessons in basic Anatomy &+ Read More

    About Spatec Academy

    Spatec's courses are tailored especially for beginners and working Spa Professionals who desire to upgrade themselves in specialized fields within the aesthetic, beauty and spa professions. We also believe in providing a strong basic foundation, so as to assist our students and trainees in charting out their career development and prospects, in the domain areas of spa therapists, spa supervisors and managers.

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