WSQ Develop a Risk Management Implementation Plan SMF Centre for Corporate Learning
Price: SGD 449

    Course details

    WSQ Develop a Risk Management Implementation Plan provides learners with the skills and knowledge to reduce risks at the source by managing the risk management process at the workplace and developing a risk management implementation plan.


    Upon completion of this programme, competent attendee will be awarded with a WSQ Statement of Attainment (SOA) by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) in recognition of becoming a Risk Management Champion and the company will then be cosidered bizSAFE (Level 2)


    Verify the expectations of a Risk Management Champion

    • Confirm the details with the relevant person in accordance with organisational Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Policy

    Form a Risk Management Team

    • Based on organisational WSH policy and in compliance with WSH (Risk Management) Regulations requirements

    Establish Hazard identification methodology

    • To help the workplace identify WSH hazards associated with any work activity or trade

    Establish risk assessment methodology

    • To aid the workplace in determining the risk levels of the identified hazards associated with any work activity or trade

    Establish risk control measures methodology

    • For the workplace to manage the identified risks to a level as low as reasonably practicable by following the principles of hierachy of control

    Develop a workplace risk management plan

    • Implement the hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk control measures in accordance with organisational WSH policy

    Present the risk management plan

    • Inform relevant stakeholders for consideration in accordance with organisational procedures

    Communicate the identified hazard, risk evaluated, and implemented risk control measures

    • Inform the person concerned in accordance with risk management plan
    Updated on 14 August, 2015

    About SMF Centre for Corporate Learning

    The Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF), formerly known as the Singapore Manufacturers' Association, was first established in 1932. Its main aim is to champion the Singapore manufacturing sector. With a membership of over 2,800 corporate members ranging from MNCs to SMEs, SMa carries out a myriad of activities to enhance the competitive edge of our members.

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