Udemy Write a Hit Novel or Script Using The Secrets of SUSPENSE! Udemy
Price: AED 184

    Course details

    Writers: learn the keys to breaking your story into scenes that grip your audience's attention irresistibly.

    Learn The Secrets to Hooking Your Audience

    • Learn what plot is, and how to create it. (It's not what most people think it is.)
    • Learn what suspense is, and how to build it into your story.
    • Master act structure
    • Beat the dreaded "Second Act Slog"
    • Discover how to build your plot and suspense into scenes that hook your audience
    • Use the same methods that made my show EARLY EDITION a hit prime-time CBS TV series seen in 73 countries around the world

    Master Story-Breaking

    All writers need to break a story into scenes that maintain plot and suspense. In Hollywood, this is called "Story-Breaking". Mastering story-breaking is a cornerstone of success in all forms of fiction writing including novels, screenplays, tv episodes, stage plays, and YouTube videos.

    I have discovered secrets of story-breaking over many years of hard work. They enabled me to create the hit CBS TV series EARLY EDITION. While they took years to discover, I can teach them to you in a matter of hours.

    Examples are very important. This course is packed with many examples from perfectly structured films.

    Break Your Own Story

    Included worksheets walk you through applying everything you learn in this class to breaking your own story. The worksheets are in special Adobe Acrobat files that you download for free. You can click and type right on the worksheet. No need to print them out and fill them in by hand. Open them with the free version of Adobe Acrobat for Windows or Mac.

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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