Course details
ManagementWorks is hosting a workshop in Dublin South on the topic of "Growing Your Business - How to improve sales, cash-flow and profits." The workshop is open to SME Owners and Managers in the region. It will be delivered by ActionCOACH Business Coaching Ireland and will focus on the key drivers of growth and profitability in small businesses. It’s an opportunity for you as a manager to take a step back from your business for a few and to think about the actions you need to take to generate sales, improve cashflow and increase profits. You will gain an understanding of the key drivers of growth and how to influence them:
Your Number of Leads: Learn how to increase the total number of potential buyers
Your Conversion Rate: Learn how to calculate the percentage of people who did buy as opposed to those who could have bought
Your Number of Transactions: Increase the average number of times one of your customers buys from you
Average Euro Sale: Understand the average Euro spent on every sale
Margins: Measure the percentage of each and every sale that’s profit
It’s also an opportunity for you to find out more about the ManagementWorks initiative and how it can help you as a manager bring about improvements in business performance. ManagementWorks is accepting applicants for a Business Growth Programme in Dublin South commencing in October 2015, delivered by ActionCOACH Business Coaching Ireland. The free workshop will give you a taste of the programme and a chance to meet the trainers and coaches, ask lots of questions, and take away some useful business insights.
Updated on 08 November, 2015Course Location
About Design Print & Packaging Skillnet
The Design, Print and Packaging Skillnet is a training network which works with companies in the design and print and packaging sectors to deliver training solutions which will improve business performance. Building on the work of the Design Ireland Skillnet and the Print and Packaging Skillnet, this new network will continue to provide excellence in training opportunities to our members.
The focus of the Design, Print and Packaging Skillnet is to provide training solutions which will assist members to reduce costs and enhance competitiveness through enhanced skills and expertise. All of the training provided is in response to the expressed needs of companies in our industry.
Members can access our range of subsidised programmes and influence what programmes are provided.
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