Work at Height for Workers (English, Tamil, Bengali, Mandarin)-WAHW EVER SAFE CONSULTANTS PTE LTD (Singapore)
Price: SGD 90

    Course details

    This course is for all workers who are required to work at heights. The participants will be taught the hazards and the safe work practices of working at heights.

    Assumed Skills, Knowledge & Entry Requirement

    Applicant should have a basic knowledge of workplace processes, procedures, activities and practices.
    Applicant should be able to understand and communicate in language of instruction.

    Course Overview

    • Introduction
    • Legal and Other requirements relevant to WAH
    • Risk Assessment methods relevant to WAH Hazards
    • Preventive measures relevant to Work At Height
    • Fall Protection Equipment
    • Fall Protection Plan

    Course Content

    The aim of the course is to provide course participants with the requisite WAH knowledge so that they can perform their WAH activities properly and safely.

    At the end of the course, the participants shall be able to:

    Identify relevant Workplace Safety & Health (WSH) legislations / approved codes of practice / Singapore standards applicable to WAH and roles and responsibilities Identify WAH hazards and preventive measures related to WAH
    Demonstrat the understanding of use and care for the various fall arrest systems and equipment

    Updated on 08 November, 2015


    To become an Industrial Standard & Safety related certified in yTheir industry is still more and more critical as the competitive landscape tightens. Maintaining a competitive advantage over yTheir competitors is crucial to not only surviving but to prosper in these economic times.

    Becoming certified in yTheir industry to these various standards should be an affordable investment and most importantly provide a perfection image about yTheir organisation.

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