Word 2010, Excel 2010 and Office 2010 new interface New Horizons Lebanon
Price: TBA
  • Duration: 1 Hour

Course details

Within two releases of all Microsoft Office products available from Office 2003, Microsoft has implemented several changes in functionality and interface, and has presented several new features. General Office interface has changed considerably with the addition of the Ribbon in Microsoft Office 2007, in addition to that collaboration and access to Office files from anywhere they are the focus on the launch of Microsoft Office 2010 . This course reviews the new features and improvements in Microsoft Office 2010, focusing on the perspective of Microsoft Office 2003 users who migrate to Microsoft 2010 provides a glimpse into the major interface changes that affect all Office applications, even the ribbon and Office Backstage view and covers new features and significant improvements in Word and Excel 2010. These features include Live Preview for paste, open file format and view protected documents available for Office 2010 features such as enhanced graphics support, rá¡pidos Styles and comparison tools in Word documents, Excel for Minigrá¡ficos improvements, and dynamic data segmentation Table. This course also © n presents the new Web versions of Word and Excel: Word Web App and Excel Web App.

  • use the key new features and interface improvements in Office 2010
  • use the new features in Word 2010 to perform common tasks
  • recognize key features of the new interface of Word 2010
  • use the new features in Excel 2010 to improve their spreadsheets
  • identify the key new and improved features in Excel 2010
  • use the interface of Office 2010 to edit a document
  • give your document the look and uniform appearance and professional when using Word 2010
  • use Excel 2010 to add visual representations of data to a spreadsheet cá¡lculo
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About New Horizons Lebanon

As changes in technology have accelerated, it’s become even more essential for people to master technology to be productive, invaluable employees who optimize, program and invent solutions—and even grow companies of their own. With over 300 centers in 60 countries, New Horizons is the world’s largest independent IT and Business training company. Over the past 35 years, New Horizons has delivered a full range of IT and business skills/Management training through innovative learning methods that have transformed businesses and helped over 35 million students reach their goals. New Horizons Lebanon branch was established in 1996.

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