Course details
Let's face it. You see the fancy graphs and eccentrictalking-heads on TV ramblingabout "the market" and spewing technical mumbo-jumbothat goes way over your head. It's frustrating because you WANT to invest, know you SHOULD invest, but just don't know HOWto invest.We know, because this was us too. So, we did something about it. We created this course to do one thing: simplify stock market investing for the common person. Investing doesn't have to be hard. With sound principles, and a basic understanding of investment terminology, you can create an investment portfolio that WINS.
We will teach you:
- Stock Market InvestingTerminology (so you can understand all that mumbo-jumbo)
- Why Winner's Win (and How)
- How To Build A Successful Portfolio From Start to Finish
- Much More.
Welcome to the Winner's Circle at Todd Capital.
Updated on 14 November, 2018- Financial Advisor: Analysis & Planning Academy for Health & FitnessUSD 185
USD 1,850Duration: Upto 130 Hours - Personal Finance : Budgeting & Forecasting Apex LearningUSD 190Duration: Upto 165 Hours