Course details

Amidst the current challenges between the different media, this course shed the light on the structure of digital data and its application to Print and Online graphics.

Part I begins with examination of how computer works. Showing the pixels that make up a raster image. Part II covers the nuts and bolts of print reproduction, while Part III discusses file preparation for online. Graphics with an eye on Web design and other platforms processes. The course provides practical experience in essential studio processes and procedures, critiques, and group discussion. There is no need for the participants to have a prior experience in Adobe creative suite programs, they will be supported for one-on-one quick guide by the instructor as needed.

Class Outline

  • PART I
    Introduction to Computer Graphics: - A Designer’s tool - Analog to Digital conversio - The screen image - Input/output devices
    Production for PRINT : The process - Quality issues
  • Digital Prepress (A) - Some Dos and Don’ts
  • Digital Prepress (B) - Achieving accurate files / Present and discuss the final project
    Production for The Web: - Internet Origins - Similarities and Differences in Production and Design
  • Website Components
  • Planning a Website / What are the rules / Designing for different browsers and platforms
  • Present and discuss the final project
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About VCU Qatar

VCUQatar is the Qatar campus of the prestigious Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Richmond, Virginia. Established in 1998 through a partnership with Qatar Foundation, VCUQatar offers a range of fully accredited BFA, MFA and BA courses in the Arts. Located in Doha, the capital city of Qatar, VCUQatar students represent a diverse range of nationalities with students coming from more than 40 different countries.

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