Course details

Over the course of students will learn the basics of comic storytelling and each create their own a multi-page, black and white story for inclusion in a class anthology, a copy of which they will receive at the final class. The focus will be on storytelling through words and pictures with an emphasis on personal and autobiographical work. The class does not require previous drawing experience though it will include hints and tips on cartooning, design and other related visual skills as well as information on the layout and printproduction aspect of comic book creation.

Each class will include hands-on practical exercises as well as ‘homework’ for the following weeks. Materials will be provided for the first class.


  • What are comics? A medium not a genre. A very brief history. Exploring the popular perception of what comics are and the broad range of subject matter and approaches. Terminology
  •  Importance of the sketchbook and observational drawing
  •  Exercise: Spontaneous drawing and copying panels


  • What makes for a good character design?
  •  Exercise – character grid
  •  Silhouettes
  •  Ensemble casts
  •  Exercise: construct a simple cartoon of yourself

Building the story - writing with pictures 

  •  Single panel cartoons – panel elements, word and image, foreground/middle ground/background
  •  Exercise: story generation/ Diary comics
  •  Transitions between panels
  •  Thumb-nailing and page roughs
  •  Panel and page units - Using Post-it’s to build the page rough
  •  Exercise: Roughing out a 1 page story

Constructing the page

  • Page grids and layout
  •  Page flow and readability
  •  Line weights and spot blacks
  •  Exercise: Penciling /Inking /Lettering one page story from roughs
  •  Title design


  • Dip pen, Brush and ink
  •  different types of drawing tools
  •  Exercise – testing out different tools
  •  Critique of one page stories
  •  Roughing out your multi page story for final anthology

Page to print – Reproduction

  • Scanning your artwork and touching up on a computer
  •  Laying out a print document
  •  Review of multi-page story for class anthology
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Marino College of Further Education

Marino College seeks to enctheirage a caring and an open community through developing the whole person
 to his or her
 potential. The collected energy of all concerned with the College is constantly focused on maintaining a centre of excellence.
Marino College was established in 1936 and has a long and proud tradition in education. The teachers have developed
 much valuable experience over the years in ensuring that students gain excellent results in the state examinations within a caring and supportive atmosphere.
In Marino College they:
  • Enctheirage lifelong learning for all
  • Believe that every child has the ability to experience success in school
  • Recognise and support diversity
  • Provide for a safe, clean and caring environment
  • Strive to recognise and achieve the full potential of every individual
  • Believe in educating and nurturing the whole person
  • Believe that every day is a new beginning
  • Believe in respect for all
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