Visio 2010 Introduction SureSkills Ltd
Price: AED 2,266

    Course details

    Visio enables the creation of diagrams like flow-charts and business process diagrams. This course will enable the user to create drawings and to produce professionally finished symbols and artwork


    Create a custom shape. Design a custom stencil. Design styles and templates. Design a floor plan. Represent external data in Visio. Share your work


    Introducing Visio

    • Getting Started
    • Introduction to Files

    Advanced flowcharts

    • Flowchart Options
    • Work Flow Diagrams
    • Cross-Functional Flowcharts

    Using formulas

    • Introduction to the ShapeSheet Spreadsheet
    • Designing Formulas

    Controlling Shape Behaviour

    • Using Shape Operation Commands
    • Using Control Handles
    • Using Custom Properties

    Using Layers

    • Introducing Layers
    • Modifying Layers

    Working with OLE Objects

    • Placing Objects in MS Word
    • Modifying the OLE Objects
    • Converting Drawings to HTML Files
    • Building PowerPoint Presentations

    Working with Linked Data

    • Connecting to Other Data Sources
    • Modifying Linked Data


    All of the topics covered on the Introduction to Visio course

    Who should attend?

    Existing users of Visio who want to learn how the product is used efficiently in the production complex process flow charts and organisational charts.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About SureSkills Ltd

    We have been growing our expertise, service offering and solution delivery for the past two decades. One of the largest IT training companies in Ireland, we deliver our global learning solutions worldwide against a backdrop of integrated learning and consulting experience. Our in-house expertise allows for synergy between our three divisions; training & certification, learning services and consulting and solutions. 

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