Value Engineering/Value Management module II VECG Trainging
Price: TBA

    Course details

    The major portion of MOD-II is to use various VM applications on different facilities and processes. Developed the leadership capability, program management, and management interaction. It also builds on the understanding of function analysis, FAST diagramming, function models including: Risk, Environmental, LCC, energy, space and quality. It will also cover: VE project team selection, creativity process, financial evaluation, interpersonal leadership skills, VE Reporting.

    Who Should Attend

    This seminar is designed for Government and industry managers who are involved in healthcare, research, Education, environmental remediation, transportation, and industrial & manufacturing processes should attend. This seminar is also essential for those who are interested in certified value specialists (CVS).

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About VECG Trainging

    We_They, a leading provider of professional VE training and consultancy services to different types of projects, is proud to cooperate with you to save up to 25% of your challenging project costs by balancing the function, quality and costs of your interesting projects.

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