English Language (Level 1) New Vision Training Center
Price: USD 490
USD 576
  • Duration: Upto 4 Weeks

Course details

Functions, Grammar and vocabulary, Pronunciations/Listening, Writing/Reading, Interchange Activity
Course content:
  • Introductions and greeting; names and tittles; countries and nationalities.
  • Occupations; workplaces; and school; daily schedules; clock time
  • Spending habits, shopping and prices; clothing and personal items; colors and materials
  •  Music, movies, TV programs, entertainers, invitations and excuses; date and times
  • Family and family life.
  • Sports and exercise; routines
  •  Free-time and weekend activities; vacations
  • Stores and places in the city; neighbors; houses and apartment
  •  Appearance and dress, clothing and clothing styles; people
  • Past experiences; unusual events
  • Cities; hometown and countries
  • Health problems; medication and remedies
  • Food and restaurant
  • World geography; countries; the environment
  • Invitations; leisure-time activities; telephone messages
  • Life changes; plans and hope for the future
  Updated on 17 October, 2018

About New Vision Training Center

New Vision believes it has a special commitment to support each Corporate/individual’s goal. To this end, New Vision places emphasis on the educational, professional, and personal growth of each student.
Programs, policies and activities — which have been designed to implement this philosophy and purpose — are evaluated periodically and changed, as necessary, to meet the needs of the students and the accelerated requirements of unique education.
The primary emphasis of our educational experience is on equipping students with the applied skills and the professional and ethical perspectives necessary for success in the future career.
New Vision delivers an education that is designed to prepare students for work in the areas of Business, Graphic Design, Media Production, Information Technology and Net Working.

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