Udemy Up and running with Arduino Programing Udemy
Price: AED 716
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Hi, Thanks for choosing this course. Up and running with Arduino is meant to be your holy resource for Arduino programing. We will teach you how to program in Arduino from start to finish , from beginner to advanced.

We will make countless of projects together that will make you a very powerful Arduino programmer and embedded systems designer. We will not only cover the theoretical parts but we will also build real projects and connect them to the internet.

If you are interested about building a smart house , vehicle , robots, Quadcopter (drone) , rocket launcher , satellite , or the new big crazy idea all by YOURSELF this is where you should get started . Now enough talking , bring your lonely Arduino from the garage , and prepare yourself because your hands are going to get real dirty with this :)

Can't wait to see you in class.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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