StudyHub Microsoft Office Essential in Arabic StudyHub
  • Duration / Course length: Upto 7 Hours Start now
  • Accredited by: CPD Qualification Standards
  • Certificates:
  • Course delivery: This course is delivered in video format

Course details

Dive deep into the intricate world of Microsoft Office with a tailored course specifically designed for Arabic speakers. The “Microsoft Office Essentials in Arabic” course ensures that language is no barrier to mastering the pivotal tools of MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint. Whether you’re charting data, creating world-class presentations or crafting compelling documents, this course offers invaluable insights, aiding you to navigate seamlessly through these applications with confidence and flair.

With an emphasis on intuitive learning, our course introduces learners to a multitude of functions and features, rendering complicated tasks easy. Streamlined content, bolstered by clear Arabic instructions, empowers students to become proficient, irrespective of their previous interaction with Microsoft Office. The journey doesn’t merely acquaint; it transforms novices into adept users, leveraging these powerful tools to achieve unparalleled results in both personal and professional endeavours.

Leveraging a language you’re comfortable with to learn essential skills is an unrivalled advantage. By offering content in Arabic, we ensure that you not only comprehend but excel, setting a firm foundation for all future projects and aspirations.

Learning Outcomes
  • Efficiently navigate and utilise the primary features of MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint.
  • Develop the ability to design compelling presentations, documents, and spreadsheets tailored to specific needs.
  • Understand the core principles behind Microsoft Office’s functionalities, enhancing workflow and productivity.
  • Implement advanced techniques to refine outputs, ensuring a polished and professional finish.
  • Recognise potential application challenges and troubleshoot common issues independently
Updated on 18 September, 2023

Eligibility / Requirements

This Microsoft Office Essentials (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint) in Arabic does not require you to have any prior qualifications or experience. You can just enrol and start ;Microsoft Office Essentials (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint) in Arabic was made by professionals and it is compatible with all PC’s, Mac’s, tablets and smartphones. You will be able to access the course from anywhere at any time as long as you have a good enough internet connection.

Job roles this course is suitable for:

any type , Office 365 Admin , Office Manager

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  • Chance to get extensive training from industry expert instructors
  • Study anytime from anywhere at your own pace
  • Upskill and enhance your earning potential by completing a course and getting a CPD accredited certificate.
  • Satisfaction guaranteed
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