Arabic for professional & Tax agent Accountants and Auditors Association
Price: AED 1,200
  • Other Location: Deira - Dubai
  • Duration: 24 Months
  • Timings: Part Time, Flexible

Course details

This program is specially designed for non-Arabic speaking participants in order to intensively professionaly  prepare them to meet the Arabic requirement of government related and private sector work. It is suitable for Tax Agents, Finance and other Professionals to learn to Speak, Read and Write.

This program is based on one of the strongest syllabus of Madeena Arabic and other fundation programs.

Our teachers are experienced native speakers, who have produced several high quality non-Arab students even to enroll in university studies in Arabic medium.

This program is categorized into 3 Levels each consisting 3 months;

Basic Level – 3 Months – 80 Hours


- Pronouncing the Alphabet
-Comprehension and simple Essays for reading practice

Special training on circumstantial speech with appropriate vocabulary.
-At Home
- At Street
- At Government office
-At Market/Supermarket
-At Hospital
-Air Port
-At School
-At Restaurant
-At Hotel
-At Office

-1500 daily words to start the communication
-This can be increased depending on the dedication of students.

Basic Grammar
-The Alphabet (Pronunciation and Writing)
-Singular Masculine, Singular Feminine
-Dual and Plural
-Definite and Indefinite Nouns.
-Names, Demonstrative Nouns and Relative Nouns
-Pronouns: Separate & Connected
- Prepositions
- Adjectives
-Verbs-Past, Present and Future
-Nominal Sentence and Verbal sentence
- Numbers

Intermediary -3 Months -80 hours
1 – Reading
- Advanced comprehension reading.

1- Speaking

Advanced sentences for varying circumstances
Speech practice and self expression


2000 words essential to speak, listen and understand a conversation.


Letter writing


-The Five ( أبٌ , أَخٌ , حَمٌ , فُو , ذُو )
-“kaan” and its Sisters.( كَانَ وأَخواتهَا )
- “Inna” and its Sisters( إِنَّ وَأَخَواتها )
-Case endings
-Present tense
-Types of Khabar
- Many more 

Advanced Intermediary- 3 Months- 80 Hours


Advanced sentences for speaking in different circumstances

-2000 key words to speak and understand a communication.


Letter writing

3- Grammar 

- Active and Passive Voice
- Forms of the Verb
- Verbal Noun - المَصْدَر
-Many more 
  Updated on 25 August, 2019

Eligibility / Requirements

Begginer- No prerequirement
intermediate – Entrance assesment
Advanced -Entrance assesment

About Accountants and Auditors Association

Accountants & Auditors Association (AAA) is the national accountancy body of the United Arab Emirates. 

The Association was established in 1997 through a federal mandate with the key objective of building capacity of the national accountancy and finance profession.

AAA work with authorities and suggests new regulatory standards for the profession. 

AAA's Mission is to serve our members, the Profession and Society.

Strategic Partner 

The UAE Accountants and Auditors Association (AAA) and the Association of Chartered Certitifed Accountants (ACCA), the global body for professional accountants, have signed a strategic partnership agreement to enhance the finance sector in the UAE by offering the UAE Chartered Accountant (UAECA) Qualification.

The new national chartered accountant qualification of UAE is based on the ACCA Qualification. The exciting opportunity allows you to gain an accountancy qualification which is both nationally and internationall recognized, awarded by two prestigious professional accountancy bodies and gain membership of both AAA and ACCA. See all Accountants and Auditors Association courses
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