Express Basic Hairstyling for Beginners Benton Make-up Academy
Price: AED 5,500
  • Other Location: JLT - Dubai
  • Duration: 2 Weeks
  • Timings: Part Time, Flexible

Course details

Express hair styling is a key aspect of both makeup artistry and hairdressing. To be a serious contender in this industry, you must be capable of styling hair to a professional standard to cater to your clients needs.

Who is this course for?

This course is for complete beginners, hairdressers who wish to extend their skills in hair styling, or makeup artists who wish to add to their current talents.

What will I learn during this course?

Our teacher will guide you through this intensive course which will give you the confidence for  backstage work and photo shoots whilst incorporating the latest trends.

The course content includes everything from  simple looks to advanced styling techniques used in today's fashion industry  and high profile publications.

The course takes place only individually one - on-one with the teacher where you will be given more attention from the teacher to your training.

1 lesson - The structure of the head / Classic styling hair dryer for short and long hair<br />

2 lesson - European wedding hairstyle / work with a Curling iron elements of weaving loom and loops)<br />

3 lesson - Arabic wedding hairstyle / bouffant hairstyle<br />

4 lesson - Indian wedding hairstyle<br />

5 lesson - Volumetric evening hairstyles with fleece<br />

6 lesson - Evening hairstyle for short hair and medium length hair<br />

7 lesson - Fashion hairstyles / EXAM

Updated on 30 April, 2019

Job roles this course is suitable for:

Makeup Artist , Hair Stylist , Hair Assistant

About Benton Make-up Academy

MAKE-UP ACADEMY “BENTON” – is a Contemporary Make-up and Hairstyling Academy.
Center spe­cial­izes in teach­ing its stu­dents an inten­sive and inter­ac­tive cur­ricu­lum to pre­pare pro­fes­sional makeup artists and hair styl­ists ready to be employed in the beauty indus­try around the world.
Makeup Academy BENTON has been founded on the 2nd July, 2014 in Dubai, UAE. Makeup Training Center’s tech­niques are influ­enced by the clas­sic French beauty/make-up cur­ricu­lum and trends.
Founders and Owners of the MakeupAcademy BENTON are Russian mar­ried cou­ple. All makeup train­ers hold a Diploma in Makeup Artistry, they are active work­ing makeup artists and have a vast expe­ri­ence in the Makeup & Beauty Industry for over than 10 years.
Here in the Makeup Academy BENTON, you could not only choose the desired Makeup trainer but the lan­guage as well to make your expe­ri­ence more com­fort­able and mem­o­rable. We are happy to offer our inter­ac­tive pro­gram in the fol­low­ing lan­guages to choose from: Arabic, English, Hindi, Russian, Romanian, German, Spanish and Tagalog.
Professional approach of our train­ers allows our stu­dents to receive all nec­es­sary and com­pul­sory knowl­edge of Makeup Theory that includes: color wheel the­ory and color com­bi­na­tions, iden­ti­fy­ing appro­pri­ate makeup and color schemes accord­ing to the face/eyes shapes and skin conditions/undertones. Application of the appro­pri­ate cos­metic pro­duct based on the skin type/condition.
We are glad to offer our train­ing curriculum/course for the begin­ners as well as advanced makeup artists who would like to upgrade their skills to the next level and be up to date with the lat­est trends and tech­niques.

We provide free full make-up products and models for your practice. As well Professional portfolio all of your work! After final exam you will get International Certificate / Diploma from Make-Up Benton Academy in Dubai registered UAE.

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