Learn Turkish Language -A1 (Intensive) Skyrocket Training
Price: AED 2,500
  • Other Location: Jumeirah - Dubai
  • Duration: 30 Hours
  • Timings: Part Time, Weekends

Course details

An interactive class focused mainly conversation and communication using Turkish language in different situation to improve their grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

Who is this Course for?

Students and professionals on Beginner's Level on Turkish language.

Course Overview:
  • Tenses, auxiliary verbs, short answers, social expressions
  • Present tense, simple or continuous, passive, sports, numbers and dates
  • Past tense, passive, art and literature, giving options
  • Modal verbs, obligation and permission, nationality words, request and offers
  • Future forms, weather, travelling around
  • Like, verb patterns, describing food, towns and people, signs and sounds
  • Present perfect active and passive, phrasal verbs, on the phone
  • Conditionals, time clauses, base and strong adjectives, making suggestions
  • Modal verbs, probability, character adjectives, so do I, neither do I
  • Present Perfect continuous, time expressions, compound nouns, quantity
  • Indirect Questions, question tags, the body, informal English
  • Reported Speech, reporting verbs, birth, marriage and death, saying sorry

Benefits of this Course:
  • Learners can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of ;
  • Learners can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party 
  • Learners can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

  • No charges for registration.
  • Books and materials to be purchased separately by the student.
Updated on 09 July, 2018

About Skyrocket Training

Skyrocket Training provides top notch quality, short courses to corporates and individuals. Flexible enough to assist in implementation of corporates Training plans as well as to manage last minute requirements.
Our Trainers are professionals in their fields, multilingual, and we take quality assurance very seriously to ensure you get the most of our Training.

The goal of skyrocket training is to help you and your company to remain competitive, as well as acquire and master new knowledge and personal skills.
Our objective is not restricted to delivering the classical form of training, but rather to adopting training processes that have been constantly tested and updated.

Why organizations choose Skyrocket Training?

  1. Because of our creative approach, innovative tools, and a global network of professional and expert trainers.
  2. State of the art quality in all things, from contents to methods and tools, and in customer satisfaction.
  3. An operational vision in direct contact with corporate realities
  4. Creativity at all times, that pushes us to acquire the knowledge of tomorrow
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