Certified Shari'a Advisor and Auditor (CSAA) Minhaj Advisory
Price: AED 4,800
  • Other Location: Deira - Dubai
  • Duration: 5 Days

    Course details

    Through the CSAA program, candidates will gain advanced knowledge on:
    • Roles and functions of various Shari'a compliance and review processes in financial institutions.
    • Correlation between a financial institution's Shari'a Supervisory Board (SSB) and its internal Shari'a compliance and review processes.
    • Mechanism to ensure Shari'a compliance in accordance to resolutions and fatwas (Scholars' rulings) issued by SSB.
    • Technical review of banking and financial operations to determine Shari'a compliance.
    • Establishing the foundations to gain stakeholders' trust and confidence in a financial institution's adherence to Shari'a.
    Updated on 10 August, 2017

    Job titles this course is suitable for

    Professionals and executives who are currently involved in Shari’a compliance and review for banking and finance;Professionals and executives who are currently involved in accounting, auditing, and finance;Professionals and executives with interests in the fields of Shari’a, accounting, auditing, or finance; Central banks employees and all supervisory institutions which monitor Islamic financial Institutions. Interested and specialized students in Islamic Economic;Imams and Sheikhs, who take Fatwas related to Islamic finance;Shari’a Consultancy and law firms.

    Job roles this course is suitable for:

    Islamic structured products, regulation and supervision, research and development, and analysis and consultancy.

    About Minhaj Advisory

    "MINHAJ Advisory" is a Dubai based company specialized in providing Shari'ah financial advisory services, supervision, Shari'ah auditing, revision and training for Islamic and traditional financial institutions.
    We built strategic relationships with international organizations, training centers and experts in Islamic finance to provide best services to customers.
    We believe that our deep knowledge of Islamic finance industry and our proven track record qualify Minhaj to work side by side with clients to achieve their goals.

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