(CSMP) Certified Sales & Marketing Professional by AIPS-USA Laurels Training Institute
Price: AED 2,000
  • Other Location: Bur Dubai - Dubai
  • Duration: 24 hours
  • Timings: Weekdays/ Weekend sessions

Course details

This Certification Program is a core certification program of (AIPS) American Institute of Professional Studies

Certified Sales and Marketing Professional (CSMP) is a Certification and Training Course in Sales and Marketing with an emphasis on real-time application and best practices.

The Certified Sales and Marketing Professional (CSMP) Certification equips you with the tools to be the best in the field and lets employers know that you have real world, practical expertise that can be readily applied to the current work environment. CSMP gives you the capability, credibility and confidence to be a high performing contributor in your organization.

As a Sales and Marketing Professional you are expected to create solid, real world results. You are also expected to demonstrate an understanding of various conceptual frameworks which are used regularly in the field of Sales and Marketing. The CSMP Certification and Training program equips you with the relevant knowledge base. Even more importantly, you need to be able to apply your knowledge to the daily situations that arise in your workplace. You will learn standard Account Management and Customer Management Information system used by leading companies in the industry. Students will also learn significant planning and organizing systems to help you direct and sustain your marketing and sales efforts.

Updated on 03 August, 2020

About Laurels Training Institute

Laurels Training Institute is a Well Known Renowned Institute for training in the Area of Management such as (CHRMP), (CLSCMP), (CBA), (CSMP) & has state of the art training facilities to meet the Requirements of its Accreditation Bodies from (AIMS) American Institute of Management Studies - U.S.A & (KHDA) Knowledge & Human Development Authorities - Dubai

having its education permit no - 61142 issued and been approved by Dubai Economic Department.

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