Business Administration Saad Allah Management Training & Consultancy
Price: AED 3,000
AED 6,001
Instructor led live virtual classroom online. Classes may be individual or in group.

    Course details

    The course Name : Business Administartion

                KHDA approved and attested

    The Course Objectives:

    The main objectives of this course are to provide participants with the skills and tools to…
    Set out clear guidelines for effective Management & leadership
    Help delegates understand the functions of management and the difference between leaders and managers
    Enable participants to effectively supervise and manage their staff by understanding key principles of leadership and motivation
    Understand the principles of 'effective communication' and how to use communication skills to make sure things get done properly, and on time
    Enable delegates to understand the value of delegation and prioritizing so they can be more effective and efficient in their work
    Examine the principles of time management,, stress management and  effective planning and self-organization
    Give delegates greater self-awareness to enable them to improve their relationship with both those who manage them, and with their subordinates
    Help delegates learn how to manage change
    Help delegates understand the principles of creative thinking and how to apply them in the workplace
    The Course Outlines:
    Definitions of Supervision, Management & Leadership
    The five functions of management: Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading & Controlling
    The characteristics of the creative leader & manager
    Management Skills:
    Technical Skills
    Human Relation & People Management Skills
    Administrative Skills 
    Decision Making & Problem Solving Skills
    Dealing with Change:
    Changes in information availability
    Changes in outlook toward work environment
    Diversity in workplace
    The Management Role:
    Desire for the job
    Ability and willingness to delegate
    Proper use of authority
    Setting a good example
    Recognizing the change in role
    Communication skills and its impact on supervision & management:
    Definition of communication
    Communication elements
    Communication barriers & how to overcome them
    The five Cs of good communication
    Listening as a magic tool in communication
    Effective rules of attentive listening
    Strategies on how to connect with people and avoid resistance
    A Seven Step Formula For Effective Planning:
    Step # 1: Get the facts
    Step # 2: Define & set " SMART" goals
    Step # 3: Outline how to achieve goals
    Step # 4: Decide who is going to help achieve and implement the goals
    Step #5:  Answer when the goals will be implemented and achieved
    Step # 6: Create a plan to implement the plan
    Step # 7: Plan how you will follow up and follow through
    Time management & its impact on management & leadership:
    Time management elements
    Time wasters and how to overcome them
    Strategies for identifying priorities
    Motivation & its impact on supervision & management:
    Define motivation
    Who needs motivation?
    Motivation theories:
    Abraham Maslow:  Hierarchy of needs
    Involved recognition theory
    Self-motivated techniques
    Action plan
    Running meetings effectively  &  problem solving techniques:
    Strategies for running meetings effectively
    Common mistakes when running meetings and how to avoid them
    Strategies for coaching & mentoring employees
    Who Should Attend:
    Individuals who want to increase their knowledge base and strengthen their management, leadership and supervision skills. New managers and supervisors who want to improve their understanding of fundamental practices of management and leadership.
      Updated on 11 March, 2024

    About Saad Allah Management Training & Consultancy

    Established in UAE, Saad Allah  Management Training & Consultancy  Group seeks to achieve one single goal, i.e. to discover talents, build capacities and create a positive learning environment  where participants can stimulate their potential and practice their learning for their best interest and that of their society.

    Saad Allah Group  meets the needs of all participants who seek to develop their capabilities and skills to keep up with the ongoing progress and changes undergone by societies all the time.

    In the development scheme adopted by Saad Allah Group, the best techniques of training and consultancy are applied and the most qualified training staff, including highly experienced facilitators  and trainers, are ed and employed, to help build and develop top human resources.

    Saad Allah Group  has conducted many training courses and development projects for many government and private organizations in different sectors, meeting diversified training needs.

    Upholding an unfailing belief in the importance of building and developing human resources, Saad Allah Group  has set up for itself the solid objective of researching and adopting new and useful ideas, methods and practices in training and development, to be always in line with international standards.Established in UAE, Saad Allah  Management Training & Consultancy  Group seeks to achieve one single goal, i.e. to discover talents, build capacities and create a positive learning environment  where participants can stimulate their potential and practice their learning for their best interest and that of their society.

    Saad Allah Group  meets the needs of all participants who seek to develop their capabilities and skills to keep up with the ongoing progress and changes undergone by societies all the time.

    In the development scheme adopted by Saad Allah Group, the best techniques of training and consultancy are applied and the most qualified training staff, including highly experienced facilitators  and trainers, are ed and employed, to help build and develop top human resources.

    Saad Allah Group  has conducted many training courses and development projects for many government and private organizations in different sectors, meeting diversified training needs.

    Upholding an unfailing belief in the importance of building and developing human resources, Saad Allah Group  has set up for itself the solid objective of researching and adopting new and useful ideas, methods and practices in training and development, to be always in line with international standards.

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