- Other Locations: Sheikh Zayed Rd - Dubai Al Mushrif - Abu Dhabi Doha, Qatar Qudaibiya - Manama Jibla - Kuwait City Al Wurud - Riyadh Cairo, Egypt Beirut, Lebanon Istanbul, Turkey Al Ghubrah Ash Shamaliyyah - Muscat
- Duration: 2 Days
Course details
There is no denying that a sales process is essential to the organization: having a consistent and measurable way to build revenue streams through new business, ongoing sales and key account ;Importantly, the psychology of your sales people is more important than the process or CRM in play in your ;
At L’Oreal, sales agents selected on the basis of certain emotional competencies significantly outsold salespeople selected using the company’s old selection procedure. On an annual basis, salespeople selected on the basis of emotional competence sold more than other salespeople ;
New salesmen at Met Life who scored high on a test of "learned optimism" sold 37 percent more life insurance in their first two years than ;
In short, Sales Emotional Intelligence supports your people, process and systems:
- Build better relationships with clients;
- Identify meaningful sales opportunities;
- Higher sales and profits;
- Improved sales performance;
- Improved customer satisfaction; and
- Greater sales stakeholder engagement
An individual emotional intelligence assessment is to be completed as part of the pre-work for this workshop. Updated on 07 August, 2018
Course Location
About Eskil Middle East Learning & Development
Headquartered in Cairo, Eskil Middle East Learning & Development is an innovative L&D enterprise that, through its partnership with MSA University, designs CPD-certified corporate workshops.
Our offering to you is based on “we don’t like boring workshops”.
We work with you to specifically design, build and facilitate high-activity L&D interventions.
Our mission is this – empower people to reach further; equip them with the tools and attitudes to achieve; embed the new knowledge.
- Network of Arabic and European facilitators;
- Delivery in Arabic, English, and French;
- Focused learning – we believe in the 100/100 principle – 100% of the participants are engaged and 100% of them are contributing;
- Interesting sessions – we hardly ever use PowerPoint slides: our experienced Facilitators build your knowledge through conversation and activities;
- We access applied business psychology, over 35 workshop activities, modern case studies and more;
- Our learning technology includes elearning, serious games, virtual classrooms and our LMS;
- Focus on ROI – our workshops always have an output: something to take back into the business that can be practically used
- 360-degree assessments – we assess and feed back in a number of different psychometric tools including Emotional Intelligence, MLQ 5X, ALQ, LEQ, and ODQ.;
- Branding – we produce and publish workbooks that can be branded with your own corporate logo;
- Quality Assurance – our Internal Verification team ensure the quality of the Facilitator and our awarded certificates are based upon benchmarked scoring;
- Qualifications – all of our professionals skills workshops have CPD credits attached to them – a typical 16-hour (2-day) workshop will secure you 2 credits;
- Recognition – our workshops use business-recognised models including psychology profiling, business approaches (including Design Thinking, Six Hats, Business Model Canvases, etc.) and more
Sales and Negotiation Related Questions
- Diploma in Psychology John AcademyAED 95
AED 1,469Duration: 18 Hours - Traffic into Sales through Digital Marketing NextGen LearningAED 45Duration: Upto 1 Hour