Power Technical Training AutoCAD Civil 3D Power Technical Training
Price: AED 286
  • Timings: Enquire

Course details

The primary goal of AutoCAD in 3D is to focus on one of the most exciting areas of CAD - the creation of three dimensional drawings. This course is designed to meet the needs of a new generation of architects, mechanical designers and other design professionals who need to create 3D models. The course begins with creation of wireframe models, and evolves into complex creation of solid models in later units. You will also learn how prepare working drawings of your 3D models.
Introducing 3D
Creating a 3D Drawing
Viewing a 3D Drawing
Drawing Predefined 3D Surfaces
3D Surfaces
Creating Complex 3D Surface
Using Other Surface Drawing Tools
Advanced topics…
Using Advanced 3D Features
Mastering the User Coordinate System
Viewing your Model in Perspective (Using 3D Orbit)
Advanced topics…
Mastering 3D Solids
Understanding Solid Modeling
Creating Solid Forms
Creating Complex Solids
Editing Solids
Advanced Editing Tools for Solids
Enhancing the 2D Drawing Process
Finding the Properties of a Solid
Rendering and Animating 3D Drawings
Things to Do Before you Start
Creating a Quick Study Rendering
Advanced topics… Updated on 03 September, 2018

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"Power Consultancy & Training" is working in the field of technical & managerial training in Egypt and through the rest of the Arab world.
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• Adoption of standard methods in the implementation of training services.
• Provision of outstanding training services at the lowest possible cost.

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