Course details
There is no denying that a sales process is essential to the organization: having a consistent and measurable way to build revenue streams through new business, ongoing sales and key account ;Importantly, the psychology of your sales people is more important than the process or CRM in play in your ;
At L’Oreal, sales agents selected on the basis of certain emotional competencies significantly outsold salespeople selected using the company’s old selection procedure. On an annual… + Read More
Course Location
About Eskil Middle East Learning & Development
Headquartered in Cairo, Eskil Middle East Learning & Development is an innovative L&D enterprise that, through its partnership with MSA University, designs CPD-certified corporate workshops.
Our offering to you is based on “we don’t like boring workshops”.
We work with you to specifically design, build and facilitate high-activity L&D interventions.
Our mission is this – empower people to reach further; equip them with the tools and attitudes to achieve; embed the new knowledge.
- Network of Arabic and European facilitators;
- Delivery in Arabic, English, and French;
- Focused learning – we believe in the 100/100 principle – 100% of the participants are engaged and 100% of them are contributing;
- Interesting sessions – we hardly ever use PowerPoint slides: our experienced Facilitators build your knowledge through conversation and activities;
- We access applied business psychology, over 35 workshop activities, modern case studies and more;
- Our learning technology includes elearning, serious games, virtual classrooms and our LMS;
- Focus on ROI – our workshops always have an output: something to take back into the business that can be practically used
- 360-degree assessments – we assess and feed back in a number of different psychometric tools including Emotional Intelligence, MLQ 5X, ALQ, LEQ, and ODQ.;
- Branding – we produce and publish workbooks that can be branded with your own corporate logo;
- Quality Assurance – our Internal Verification team ensure the quality of the Facilitator and our awarded certificates are based upon benchmarked scoring;
- Qualifications – all of our professionals skills workshops have CPD credits attached to them – a typical 16-hour (2-day) workshop will secure you 2 credits;
- Recognition – our workshops use business-recognised models including psychology profiling, business approaches (including Design Thinking, Six Hats, Business Model Canvases, etc.) and more
- Counselling - Counsellor Global CoursesOMR 8
OMR 77Duration: 4 Hours - Sales Skills For Sales Executive Diploma StudyPlexOMR 6
OMR 69Duration: Upto 2 Hours