Android Advance Bradford Training
Price: JOD 109
  • Location: Irbid
  • Duration: 20 Hours
  • Timings: Part Time, Flexible

    Course details

    The course includes the teaching of all the technologies that will lead to Android applications with a high level of development and efficiency through the use of all the tools and services used in smart phones such as database, network, Internet, SMS, maps, positioning, cameras, transmission and reception. Between devices such as telephone to telephone or from telephone to other device and others to develop the capabilities of the programmer and improve its level in the application of Android applications theoretically and practically.
      Updated on 28 June, 2018

    Eligibility / Requirements

    Basic knowledge of Android Basic

    About Bradford Training

    Bradford offers university teaching for all engineering, medical, accounting and business administration disciplines. All you have to do is choose the required material and we will contact you directly. The best engineers and distinguished lecturers will be selected with more than 5 years of university teaching experience.

    Bradford is focused on providing courses to support university students in the fields of engineering and practical, with a number of modern programming courses and workshops to keep up with the labor market in addition to the programs of preparing the newly graduated engineer for most engineering sectors.

    Bradford is interested in the development and programming of mobile applications, including the design and programming of the application and linking it with the websites, in addition to providing marketing solutions, including marketing and deployment of various mobile applications and upload them on the Google Play platform and Apple Store platform, as well as linking the application with social media to increase sales and meet all needs.

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